Property Management

Your property should stand out as the monument of your success, the fruit of your hard work, and part of your existence. So make sure you manage them the right way to yield the maximum profit. With the most reliable property management services from Shivam Group, assure the best maintenance of your property at hand.

No matter what kind of property you own, managing it the right way can be tiring, time-consuming and often challenging. Shivam group offers the best property management services, delivering professional and hassle-free maintenance and management for your property. Through our sister concern, Perfect Ground Management company, we have managed more than 10,000 acres of land across India, earning the trust and admiration of all our clients. With 100% client satisfaction and years of experience and expertise in the field, we, Young Property Management, are undoubtedly the best property management service providers in India. Following is the list of services we provide in property management.

  • Civil Work Management - Civil work covers all integrated building construction activities from roofing to tiling that cannot be repaired or changed easily, demanding efficient management and utmost perfection. Our civil work management services are run by an experienced team of architects, skilled labourers, and civil engineers who offer the correct professional management and supervision for all civil works. From planning to execution, we deliver the best management strategies to ensure the quality and durability of each construction work of your building.
  • Statutory and Civil Compliances - A company’s growth and development run parallel to its statutory and civil compliances. Therefore make sure to avail the best statutory and civil compliances with the assistance and guidance of our expert team to manage all legal documents, compliance certificates and other licences. With the right management of your company’s statutory and civil compliances, channel your company's time and expenditure to accomplish greater goals.

Land Acquisition & Land Management

Land is one of the most crucial resources as it is limited. Acquiring land in the current era with rising land prices is a hectic task. To find a land that suits you is hard to find. Our team of professionals are trained to handle all land acquisition and management services for almost every project.

We are a reliable and trustworthy land acquisition and management agency that will be able to handle large-scale ideas as well as last-minute needs. We have been in the business since the 2000s and it's been more than 20 years making us the most consistent business.

The land acquisition might appear to be a complex procedure which involves taking care of multiple factors. But with us, you can be assured of all those factors being taken care of. And the outcomes will benefit both parties.

Maintenance and management of land with long-term clients are at our heart. We have gained unprecedented praise over the years for the unique solutions that are central to our work vision. We are managing over 10,000 acres of land across the country.

Hiring the best legal and financial teams from all over India, with us, you can rest assured that your land is in the proper hands.

  • Honest negotiations : Honest negotiations are the best way to reach a common ground that will benefit both parties. Our aim is to encourage parties to follow a trusted pattern that brings the best results. We also take care of the necessary negotiation documents, plan preparation, data collection, terms and amendments etc.
  • Legal backup : Legal backup becomes necessary when working with civil projects. We believe that a good legal backup means correct legal knowledge, that motivates us to provide the best legal advice. We are practising management and acquisition professionals who take part in the development of India as a whole.
  • Statutory compliances: No company can perform to its finance capabilities without meeting the statutory compliances. But with us you don't have to worry about feeling in and updating your compliances at all! We guide clients with all documents of personal details, firm details, contracts, certificates, licences, etc. This way, you can leave the compliance issue to a specialized agency and focus on the central goals of your company.
  • Routine maintenance and management: Land management and maintenance involve regular testing, maintaining legal documents, repairing and replacing existing property and so much more. Land management is a daunting task because it involves artificial and natural factors. We have tie-ups with teams of surveyors, technicians, architects and engineers to make the whole land management process a piece of cake.