Business Support

How long will you keep your business goals to yourself? It's high time you grow out of your fears and give your long-term business goals a chance. With expert guidance and professional assistance, we assure the best professional support for your business to thrive.

Develop a company from scratch, maximize the profits of an existing organisation, or outsource your record-keeping needs to a professional. Whatever your current goal is, we are glad to help you out. We have a professional and experienced team to help you execute your goal. Just tell us your idea and we’ll deliver an action-oriented plan ready to go! A professional staff of qualified accountants and business experts support our collaborative approach to assisting our customers. Allow us into your business to elevate your company to prospective profitability and success. From staff empowerment to well-calculated business strategies, we have got them all. Make sure you go through each of our business support services and seek us for the most valuable assistance for your business.

Front Office and Reception Assistance

The front office and reception play an integral role in being the ultimate unifying factor between your business and the outside world. In addition to maintaining the internal administration, they work as an efficient passage through which your potential customers and the public get access to your company. Hence it's vital to create a first good impression on your company’s potential customers and wellwishers so that they develop a meaningful relationship built on trust and become your regular customers. We deliver the best front office and reception assistance for any business, giving timely guidance and assistance to workers to develop the right skillset mandated to build long-lasting professional relationships between customers and business partners.

Tenant Management

Turn your property at hand into a powerful business tool with the right tenets for your land, who are ready to sign a contract for the most profitable rental. Our services offer expert professional assistance, understanding the latest trends in the market to find the right tenets for your property. We also provide after-leasing services in our package.

Vendor Management

The success of any business lies in the skill and professional efficiency with which they utilise their vendors to yield maximum benefits. From charting the right collaborative strategies to efficiently organising the company's existing sales group, we cover everything for your business to thrive. With an extensive web of suppliers, business agents, financial analysts and custom strategists our vendor management services guarantee well-calculated and profitable support for your business.

Fleet Management

We understand how a successful business demands regular travel and transport for a variety of requirements. That’s why Shivam Group gives special attention to providing complete assistance and management for all transport facilities through our round-the-clock fleet management services. Leave all your conveyance-related responsibilities to us and we will arrange the right assistance to ensure the smooth running of your business.

Document Management

Business is undoubtedly a risky game in which even a teeny error can cause an unpredicted downfall, especially when it comes to documentation of business records. Our document management facilities provide the right assistance in all types of documentation and filing. Our qualified candidates will work closely with your company’s project team to manage the documents most efficiently. Executing the latest techniques and digital expertise, we finish off any complicated files with ease within the stipulated time.

Pantry and Catering Management

Our pantry and catering management services are of top-notch quality while incorporating all kinds of delicacies to fulfil your unique requirement. Irrespective of the variety and quality of food ordered, our team of experienced chefs and nutritionists, guarantee the authenticity and quality of each recipe while efficiently managing the orders on time. Our pantry management services cover all facilities required to keep your organisation’s pantry and warehouses well maintained, clean and hygienic. Leave your firm’s entire pantry and catering management duties to us and enjoy healthy and mouth-watering delicacies every day!

Errand Office Management

We understand the day-to-day struggles of every busy professional and how hard it is to maintain the work-life balance when there are deadlines to meet and another million things to look after. Our errand and office management services are solely devoted to busy professionals by assisting them in all kinds of office errands so that they don’t have to break away from their organic workflow to run less significant office errands. Hiring our errand office management services is undoubtedly a good investment to maximise the productivity of your enterprise.

Mailroom Management

Irrespective of the extent to which digital technology has come into dominance in the professional workspace, several important compositions among many others are still sent through the mail. Each mail has to be well analysed and sorted before forwarding it to its respective recipients. However, in an organisational firm that receives hundreds of emails daily, mailroom management itself is a long tedious task on its own. In such a situation, we are glad to help you out through our highly efficient and professional mailroom management systems. Our team is supplied with the latest technology equipment and advanced software which helps them to efficiently finish each task within the specified time limit.

Temporary Staffing

Every business demands an efficient workforce skilled to meet the changing demands of the industry. No wonder organisations are in a constant search for the best-skilled candidates. However, the rising competition and the number of potential nominees make the selection process tiresome and time-consuming. Our temporary staffing services are delivered to avoid such situations and by offering you the best workers, most suitable to meet your company’s demands. We follow an elaborate filtration process which includes sourcing, shortlisting and interviewing before recruiting them so they form a valuable asset to your enterprise.

Coordination with the Government Departments

Every work with the government department is a time consuming task with a lot of paperwork which is confusing and without any assurance. We help you overcome this uncertainty and time consuming document work for all government related work. We have experts who are pretty much clear of what the government departments need for a particular service. Regular touch with government departments makes it easy for us to coordinate with them.

It can be any work - contracts, tenders, projects, municipal permissions, etc. We will always be there for you to carry out the work seamlessly. We promise you the work will be completed once all the documents are ready. Tell us the work, and we will tell you the solution.

Our A2Z solutions offer a unique service which is coordination with government departments which reduces your effort in creating documents for work with the government departments. All the permissions, required documents, and other necessary paperwork will be taken care of by us to cut-off the hefty time it takes for you to finish the process.

We are just a call away. Schedule a call with us to know how long it takes to get the work done by any government department in India. We have presence across the country and acquaintance with every single government department.