Human Power

Take your business to the next level! Our manpower services offer the most-deserving candidates for any work profile so that you can boost the quality, efficiency, and productivity of your firm, helping you to beat your competitors and top the records.

Building up a business enterprise is not easy. One should hire the most skilled workers for any job profile to ensure easy, dynamic and efficient functioning of the company. Finding deserving candidates that meet the demands of each job from the large pool of potential candidates can be often tedious and time-consuming. In such circumstances, we are glad to offer a helping hand with our professional human power services under our subsidiary Manorama Manpower Services.

Our human power services function to supply the right professionals for the job. Hence we follow an elaborate selection process to find the most deserving employers before handing them over to our clients. Major stages of our filtration process include:

  • Sourcing
  • Selecting
  • Shortlisting
  • Interviewing
  • Recruitment

We provide professional candidates for a variety of jobs. The following are the 4 major types of workers we supply

Highly Skilled Professionals

Highly skilled employers are qualified experienced workers skilled to meet the particular demands of a specific professional domain. We supply highly skilled professionals like engineers, managers, mediators, scientists, architects, lawyers, gunmen and many more.

Semi-Skilled Workers

Semi-skilled workers possess the necessary skills to perform certain tasks, but might not have the right professional qualification to meet the demands of a specific job requirement. Our list of semi-skilled workers includes security guards, drivers, receptionists, electricians and sales executives among many others.

Unskilled Labourers

Unskilled are workers who do not require any qualification or job experience to execute satisfactory performance in their jobs. We supply all kinds of unskilled labour workforce such as cleaners, janitorial, housekeepers, construction workers etc.